Monday, November 3, 2008

Bobbar "Elephant" Ephphect

Everyone is worried about the Bradely effect. I say pish posh to that.

This election will have the Bobbar Elephant Effect. The vast majority of middle class white people are more likely to have a secret shame and anger for the fools they have been made of by the Grand Ol Party than any sort of racism. I expect a statistically significant increase in votes for third party candidates at the expense of McCain.

Especially from those in the Blue States.

Think about it. You know your vote is wasted in California if your a conservative. The GOP has messed things up beyond FUBAR for you and your 401k. Give them a little bit to be scared about by voting Bob Barr. If your really vengeful go for Nader.

How many pissed off middle class conservative folks with functioning frontal lobes would tell a pollster the truth?
Let's take a poll to find out.

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